Thursday, September 2, 2010

School is Cool

Quick update from Mr. Kindergarten. According to all his teachers Mr. Personality has turned on the charm and is loving school. Can I get an Amen? The teachers were aware of our concerns from the summer and kindly provided us with two emails on the first day letting us know that he was doing really well. So far this week, life in the mainstream for Math, Science and the specials has been great. I think the security of having the FM system is so helpful and gives him the security to take risks in the classroom. He's loves seeing his friends and getting to run wild on the "big kids" playground that was off limits last year.

Two trips to Hopkins in the past week gave us good news in that his hearing hasn't gotten worse in his left ear and his CI audiogram is solidly in the mild loss range. His new Cadillac Nucleus5 processor is on him now thanks to his fabulous new audiologist Dawn. She was recommended from our good friend/audi Jen Mertes and we are thrilled. Tommy was in a foul mood after a long day and she just rolled with it and seems to "get" the boy/growling bear. We're also thrilled that she will be handling his hearing aid ear as well so we don't need separate visits for each ear! I'm always up for a change and haven't regretted speaking up to get the best service providers in place for this kid. We're so thankful we live in an area where choices exist.

This will be a big year for our little man.

1 comment:

  1. glad things are going well for you and tommy! it was great seeing you both yesterday. :)
