Thursday, January 7, 2010

busy boy

It's been a good long while with lots to write about, but the desire to put it all down escaped me. Somehow the energy of the summer and the exitement of new possibilities was replaced with the reality that much remains the same. Hard work, ups and downs sprinkled with moments of awe pretty much sums it up. Our littlle man continues to impress us with his energy and stamina while giving us a lot to be proud of. He's asking questions, using "because", and has meaningful back-n-forth conversations/arguments with anyone who challenges his world view. Big steps that became doable with the help of his amazing new technology.

More than a few times over the past months we've seen the old pattern of huge bursts, regressions, mood swings with equipment problems and the ever present sinus infections. The road always leads us back to Hopkins. Next week we'll be taking him for a full sinus consult with Dr. Lin to see if we can get to the bottom of his 6+ sinus infections per year and shockingly horrible CT scan results. Although we're grateful for knowing his semicircular canal syndrome is no longer an issue, all this CT / cancer talk on TV as of late gives me agida. Tommy has had 3 CT scans, the first being at 3 weeks thanks to a sad excuse for a pediatrician. We're very grateful that he's doing well, but speaking from experience (as I sit here with an imaginary person sitting on my face) it's so hard to focus, listen, talk etc. when you have sinus infections that cause your eyes to swell. Coupling that with the congestion that renders his hearing aid ear almost useless just keeps us in the rollercoaster pattern.

Long and short is that we are damn lucky to have a kid that rolls with every punch, loves every teacher, therapist, friend, and thinks the rotating door entrance at Hopkins is supercool. When big brother Matthew struggled through a similar sinus/runaway ear infection/holy cow I can't hear a thing issue...Tommy asked him "Hey wanna use my cochlear implant?" These two boys never cease to amaze me with how just how close they are and how lucky we are to watch them grow up together as best friends.

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