Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Good things come to those who wait...

August was a month of dips and lows for our guy who became increasingly sensitive to his CI. Putting on his "equipment" in the morning was a tear filled traumatic experience for all involved. His speech took a nosedive and we were all a bit confused. This took us all by surprise since he was doing well, but as the maps (programs) were modified it was just too much for him to handle. Thankfully, by month's end we had a few strategies in place - putting the CI on during a giant snuggle, sliding upward, lowering the program to #1, and making sure the environment was completely quiet. Our mapping audiologist doesn't scream "I love boys" so we will continue to monitor if she's the right fit for our guy.

By September, Tommy was literally jonesin' for school. Apparently he loves the routine, just like his brother and frankly had enough with life at the pool and beach....poor kid. After our incredible experience with ESY (summer school for kids with special needs) we were holding our breath on how his transition with a new set of teachers, specialists, kids etc. would go. We were thrilled to find out his teacher was the one we saw during our DHOH preschool tour that we absolutely loved. Let's just say her humor and enthusiasm is just what Tommy needs, not to mention his parents.

Long story short, Tommy is digging full time school - me- not so much. I miss my boy terribly, but seeing him bound off that short bus with an ear to ear smile makes it worthwhile. He's happy, doing well and has a girlfriend! He found a pretty girl with "curvy hair that has a CI just like me." He writes her name everyday about 100x and now adds Brown to her name...Sonia Brown is on every piece of paper and wipey board in our house. He's over the moon with excitement for a playdate with Sonia at our house this weekend. Meanwhile, I'm kicking it into overdrive with online sign language classes so that I can communicate with her mom who is Deaf. To this point, I could ask her if she wanted a cookie, but not much more. I'm quickly learning and hope to continue.

The latest piece of news is that after brainstorming with myself I decided we need to get his hearing aid on sooner rather than later since any attempt produced a huge protest and more tears. Bottom line was if we couldn't incorporate his hearing aid into his new hearing we wouldn't have accomplished our goal. 2 ears, 2 types of hearing. We knew we were asking a lot - his brain needs to process acoustical hearing and electrical hearing and decipher what the hell it all is. After a quick stop at Hopkins to see our hearing aid audiologist we were able to get a quiet program that has resulted in him instantly wearing both pieces of ear gear. Woot Woot.

Oh, our 4 year old hard of hearing/deaf son is reading. Out of nowhere he can sound out any consonant vowel consonant word you throw at him and his list of sight words is growing by the day. It's amazing to watch.

I've always said that in the grand scheme, this is all a piece of cake. Seeing our friends go through incredibly difficult times as of late once again makes the point clear. Every day that your kids, family and friends are healthy is a damn good day.
